
May 4, 2011

Wednesday Weekly Links

Filed under: art, Kittens, Librarian, music, YouTube — liberrydwarf @ 11:42 am

At last I have some things together to share!



Why Cats Are Not Doctors

The Vatican embraces the internet age and puts all its porn online

Cool virtual tour of the Strahov Monastery Library

April 1, 2011

Friday Wrap-up: Surprises, Silliness and Sauce

Filed under: Children, family, Food, Librarian — liberrydwarf @ 2:02 pm

The week that was!

One Good Thing: Made it through March without surprise baby showing up! Yay!

One Bad Thing: By not being at work, I will have missed out on all the university April Fools Day jokes. In the past we’ve had some wonderful things, from reported “loose animals” to fake voice-recognition on photocopiers. No giggles for me…

One Thing I Learned: How to make bechamel sauce. And, having stuffed up the original Italian recipe from the Margaret Fulton Italian cookbook utterly, how to cheat on bechamel sauce

March 30, 2011

Wednesday Weekly Links

Filed under: Comics, Librarian, movies, Nerds, TV, YouTube — liberrydwarf @ 7:18 pm

Here are this week’s linky treats. Enjoy!


10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Doctor Who


10 Reasons why Gandalf is a terrible wizard (hey, totally not saying I agree or not, this isn’t my list. Just bringing it to you.)

Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” set to become a movie (and about time too!)


This is horrible. Just horrible. Is this really what real people think  about librarians? If I was still working I’d be doing jeans and heavy metal t-shirts for a month to try and tip the balance…

10 Megalomaniacs Who Should Rule You (And Why)

Results from the Oxfordshire World Poohsticks Competition (I can’t even begin to say how sweet it is they actually hold this…)

February 23, 2011

Wednesday Weekly Links

Filed under: Comics, Just Plain Weird, Kittens, Librarian, movies, Trivia, TV, video, YouTube — liberrydwarf @ 6:03 pm

Here are this week’s linky treats. Enjoy!


If Star Wars had been a Western, and there had been action figures made, they’d probably have been something like this…

Ten trivia fact things you didn’t know about “The Empire Strikes Back”


One throwaway comment later, and we’re all helping Nathan Fillion raise money to buy Firefly and get it back on the air


I believe I’ve said it before – librarians are totally uncool. Daggy-in-a-cute-way, but uncool.

Cat Superhero

I have NO idea what is going on here. It is, however, adorable.

February 18, 2011

Friday Weekly Wrap-Up: Heroes, Herbs and Hairdresser Gossip

Filed under: Children, Health, Librarian, Nature, Scouts, TV — liberrydwarf @ 4:52 pm

The (2) week(s) that was! (Or were, rather. It’s been an exhausting fortnight. You can have a double concentrated dose.)

1) Two Good Things: Rediscovering Heroes: Season 1. And watching it with hubby this time (rather than alone) and he’s really enthusiastic, it’s kind of cute… 🙂

On the other hand, it's really going to suck when it gets crappy and breaks his heart...

Also got to attend a follow-up session for a conference I missed (apparently big fat preggos don’t fly interstate real well) and catch one or two of the presentations I was really sore about missing. Of course, with one more week of work there’s not a whole lot I can actually DO with all these cool new ideas, but at least I now have them. Fodder for daydreaming, at least.


2) Two Bad Things: All my lavender has, through a combination of drowning and drying out, died horribly. 😦

Was aiming for this. Needless to say, do NOT have this.

Also, apparently nobody makes children’ s face paint anymore. It’s impossible to get. And despite one’s best efforts to improvise with water-based acrylics and baby lotion, apparently today’s children are far too fussy to have their faces painted, delicate little flowers that they are. What is this sad world coming to?

3) TwoThings I Learned:

Pretty much every intimate detail about the shopkeepers who were flooded out at our dearly-departed local shopping centre – who was insured, who’s coming back, who was going bankrupt anyway. Apparently dog groomers are much like hairdressers are in the human world, and know EVERYTHING.

Nothing like what actually happens. Nothing to do with this story at all, really. But amuses me nonetheless...

Also – Do not wear Mary Janes when you’re pregnant, or a Sumo Wrestler will swap feet with you when you’re not looking and you will end up with scary jelly ankles and be forced by your colleagues to lie down with your feet in the air for most of the afternoon.

February 16, 2011

Wednesday Weekly Links

Filed under: Books, games, Librarian, movies, music, Nerds, News Articles — liberrydwarf @ 8:25 pm

Here are this week’s linky treats. Enjoy!


The Top 5 Library Scenes in Movies


Amanda Palmer discusses her new music business model – you give her $5000, she plays you a concert. No tickets, no middleman. The future of music?


“Jersey Shore” versus the new up-and-coming UK version “Geordie Shore” (collective shudders…)


The most popular books of 1983 (a very good year, if I do say so myself!)


Proof that libraries have been trying daggy things to be more popular for over 50 years…

The Best of the Chronicle” – true gems from the local paper from the country town I grew up in.

January 28, 2011

Friday Weekly Wrap-Up: Labour, Leaving and Lamb

Filed under: Australia, Food, Health, Librarian — liberrydwarf @ 11:33 am

The week that was!

1) One Good Thing: Got the nice comfortingly comprehensive list of drugs they’re perfectly happy to give me in the delivery room. Feel lots lots better (and haven’t even been given any of them yet!)

2) One Bad Thing:  Said farewell to a good friend and colleague at work – ostensibly for a 12-month secondment, but I’m pretty sure nobody would be surprised if he never came back. It’s always the fun, intelligent, proactive and passionate ones that get soul-destroyed and leave you, isn’t it?

3) One Thing I Learned: Despite rumours to the contrary, if you’re an Australian who doesn’t eat lamb on Australia Day you do NOT spontaneously combust. Myth  Busted!

Despite what the Lambassador would have you believe...

January 21, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Floods, Flick-Offs and Floors

Filed under: Health, Librarian — liberrydwarf @ 5:22 pm

The week that was!

1) One Good Thing: The waters have subsided, the roads are open, and the buses are free…

2) One Bad Thing:  Going back to work was every bit as awful as I though it would be. Going on holidays and being pregnant apparently means that I no longer warrant my own desk, and that for my remaining 5 weeks of work, I have to report in every morning to find out who’s away so I can sit at their desk. Way to feel wanted and valued…

3) One Thing I Learned: Much more about pelvic floor muscles than I ever cared to, and far more than I ever plan to share 🙂

December 10, 2010

Friday Wrap-up: Classes, Crashes and Crunchy Stuff

Filed under: Children, Food, Librarian, Scouts, Uncategorized — liberrydwarf @ 3:23 pm

The week that was!

1) One Good Thing: not only did I teach an unplanned IL class because the students pestered their lecturer non-stop until we organised one for them, but they actually all showed up! And stayed an extra half hour! And clapped at the end! (Non library people – this never ever happens usually. None of it. Hence a good thing!)

2) One Bad Thing: One of our little Scouts tripped and fell at the Sleepover on the weekend, gashed his head and needed 3 stitches. Thank goodness for Army-trained parents, because I just sort of froze in horror at the blood and shrieking. And thank goodness next week is my first aid course!

3) One Thing I Learned: That children do not, repeat NOT, eat salad by choice. And that salad you made for 15 children and 5 adults takes a looooong time for two people to eat… *burps*

November 26, 2010

Friday Wrap-up: Cocktails, Cricket and Communication

Filed under: Education, Food, Librarian, Sport — liberrydwarf @ 3:41 pm

The week that was!

1) One Good Thing: Found the gummy snakes I thought I’d lost on the way to the cocktail night for my local professional association (AKA geeky librarian club), in time to have them in the signature Bookworm cocktails which were a big hit!  Watermelon and guava cocktails with red jelly snakes = delicious! (I’m sure someone took a picture, will share if I can find…)

2) One Bad Thing: Have to work all day tomorrow. Through the cricket. Which is just about the only sport I can stand watching. Booh! (Although on the plus side there’s air conditioning. And a free day off…)

3) One Thing I Learned: More about the vocal expression of emotion than I ever wanted to, after sitting through 90 minutes of the most boring research study ever, listening to voice actors say the same 2 phrases over and over again conveying different emotions… ah well, all in the name of science. I’m a good little guinea pig!

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