
January 22, 2008

“If I take a few minutes to answer questions and go web surfing, then guilt kicks in and I get back to work…”

Filed under: Animals, Blogs, Books, Humor, I.T, Just Plain Weird — liberrydwarf @ 9:01 am

Hahaha, sucks to you, Raymond E Feist. Should have been a librarian…

My conference paper is done and I can finally sleep at night (well, that is until my sweet nice coauthors LEAVE THE COUNTRY and abandon me to present in front of hundreds of people alone! *sweat! scream on the inside!*…)

So with all Facebook procrastination aside, I’ve been able to get back to my first love – trolling blogs, checking out links, and giggling insanely at inopportune moments. Aren’t you glad I don’t work with/for you? (Or do I??) Anyway…

1) For those of us who read a lot, you know there’s some pretty far-out-awful cover art out there (hey, Science Fiction publishers, you are the WORST offenders!) Well, some observant public librarian has taken it upon herself to collect and dish out to you the very best (or worst?) she can get her hands on, at Judge A Book By Its Cover

2) I don’t usually pick off what’s popular on (that’s for lazy bloggers!) but I couldn’t go past without taking a look at this one, and it’s a winner! Got persistent telemarketers? Great Aunt who won’t hang up the phone? The client from hell? When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Get Off the Phone, head over to, pick the cleaning-staff/door-chime/fire-drill sound bite of your choice, stick your phone near your speaker, and hang-up with a clear conscience! Wow, only on the internet…

3) Finally, the internet brought us LolCats. It brought us LolWalruses.  Hey, it even brought us LolPoliticians. Well, what do you get when you apply the complex mathematical formula “Lolcats ÷ cats * tapirs”? You get, of course. And again, you wonder what we ever did before the internet…


January 15, 2008

“They say that Absence makes the heart grow fungus…”

Filed under: games, Humor, Just Plain Weird, YouTube — liberrydwarf @ 7:20 pm

Oops, wow, it’s mid-January. Sorry for the blog silence! Let’s just say I’ve been on glorious holidays not even THINKING about computers! (Well not much) Have a new years dose of links by way of apology…

1) For the first time in probably 10 years, I got Pokemon for christmas, and ever since, yes, a grown woman has been totally addicted. Relive the Pokemon craze (or rather, the backlash towards the Pokemon craze) with a trip into the archives of the Brunching Shuttlecocks and the Choose Your Own Damn Pokemon Adventure

2) This is care of the nerdiest friends I know – join the cake/pie debate in true Hollywood style! Those crazy talking eggs Weebl and Bob star in CSI:Pie-ami. Dreadful David Caruso oneliners included!

3) Finally, from YouTube (and my Brit readers might be far more familiar with this particular program than I am, apologies if you’ve seen this…) Gals (or indeed maybe even guys), if your male significant other is a big dreadful baby when he’s got a cold, be thankful it’s not as bad as this!