
July 9, 2010

Friday Wrap-up: Mums, Mushroom Risottos and Mild Roast…

Filed under: family, Food, Science — liberrydwarf @ 8:00 pm

It’s been a grey, miserable, chilly (yes I know Australians can’t complain about chilly. Queenslanders especially. Doing so anyway!) week. Hubby has been away, sister (who is usually human-contact backup plan) has been away too, Cat has been stand-offish and unfriendly (and basically Cat-like) and have not found the energy after work to walk Dog more than once, so feeling lazy and unfit. Booh week, booh!

1) One Good Thing: Mum is back safely from Israel. Not that I was overly worried, but we’ve had bad luck being stuck in countries because of protests, riots, accidents/terrorism and stuff before (Zimbabwe, 1998. Greece, 1997. Madrid, 2006.) And she came bearing Nina Ricci perfumes for all, lovely Mummy!

Pretty Ricci Ricci for me!

2) One Bad Thing: in my job as liaison librarian, part of the role is to associate yourself publicly with the School you’re with as much as possible, and support their events. So I went along to a fancy lunch on Thursday to do so. Short wrap-up: I was 30 minutes late, had no idea what half the panel debate was about since I’m not a specialist in the area, and was the only non-practitioner at the table so we ended up talking about MasterChef for an hour since we had nothing else in common. Waste of time, waste of (work’s) money, and I think the mushrooms in the risotto gave me indigestion 😦

3) One Thing I Learned: how they make decaffeinated coffee. Benzene. Dichloromethane. Supercritical carbon dioxide. This is depressing! I thought I was doing my body some good. Now I won’t be surprised if I start glowing Chernobyl-style… damn my curiosity!

Don't be fooled! And I thought we were FRIENDS, decaf coffee!!

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